You're welcome.
Other observations:
1) Being able to sort and/or discard items would be nice. Without reliable access to the conversion NPCs, the inventory can get cluttered quite quickly.
2) Magic Shield seemed to do nothing when I used it? The description made it sound like it would hurt enemies if I hit them while using it. Instead they took no damage, I still took my normal amount of damage, and my caster promptly bit it.
3) What exactly is stamina?
4) Why does Agi list its benefits as "Increase Attack Speed" and then "Attack Faster"
5) Items list themselves as having requiremets -> requirements
6) The two sets of three wooden platforms aren't solid, requiring you to have triple jump to get past them
7) Just to check, is it intended behaviour to be able to bypass stat requirements by using items that boost your stats? Case in point: Stone Destruction Sword requires 72 STR. I have 70 STR but equip a sword that gives me 5 STR and then I can equip the Stone Destruction Sword, which gives me 10 STR so I'm still above the necessary STR requirement.
8) Is there a way to get rid of books at the moment? The level 15 mass item converters don't let you do it
9) Is there a way to buy potions and rope? Having to rely on drops can leave you empty and having to rely on natural regen, slowing things down.
10) Is it intentional to have cursed doors count as "completed" initially? I had a totem behind a cursed door, which was tucked 5 directories deep and all the folders ahead of it read as being clear.
11) Please don't put spikes in boss rooms if you're going to zoom out so far that you can see both characters from the start. If I didn't rely on my shields, I'd have been dead before even reaching the boss because I can't really see what I'm doing.
12) Shield boss was partially stuck in the floor so I just stabbed him to death without any meaningful fight.
13) As noted in another thread, killing a boss causes a crash. Same error as was in that thread.
14) Once all skills are mastered, the AP meter goes away so you definitely have no way of telling how many you have for the sake of buying spells.