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Missouri S&T Fall Jam 2021
Pump it and Dump it
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3 years ago
This is the man you were talking to. They are called the Bogdanoff brothers, and they are a popular meme in the 4chan business and finance board and are often portrayed as the center of a grand conspiracy where they have immense political power to control all cryptocurrency (and the world), and they use this power to screw over small time crypto investors by pumping a crypto to lure them in, then crashing it as soon as they buy in. In reality, they don't have anything to do with crypto at all, and just look funny. I'm glad you enjoyed their addition into the game.
Regarding the hitboxes, the line itself won't collide with the hitboxes of the items on the graph, it's the faint little circle in the middle of the screen that will hit them. Though making the hitboxes bigger should make the game a lot easier, since I often find it's hard to time when to hit the Pump/Crash button.