What do you mean!? When was I a jerk? I was just saying that you don't have to be so harsh without all the facts, and you started this whole thing by saying how much of an "asshole" the creator/s are. If anyone is one, then you are.
I partly agree with you, and here's why it is partly and not completely. Marlowe is being mean to the creator/s for a reason he finds... Unreasonable, which is okay to think that, but he started calling them an asshole/all of them assholes for merely deleting a comment he think's shouldn't have been deleted. Now here I am trying to defend them, and I do agree with the fact that we should just delete this argument, but I will only do so when he deletes his parts. I will not stand by and let him insult the creator/s like this. So I will keep my counter-arguments that help show that the creator/s are nice people and listen to our problems we are having with the game.
Maybe you see it like that because you litterally jump at everyone, who disagrees with you?
The only one who throws a tantrum is you.
Neither the dev or the people are framing you.
If this goes further. I will contact itch or the dev and ask to completly delete the conversation, because it is in no way helpful or deserved.
You literally started this entire argument by saying how much of an "asshole/s" the creator/s are just because they deleted your comment, you have no right to say you aren't throwing a tantrum and everyone is framing you. YOU are framing the creator/s are "asshole/s", YOU started this argument, YOU are the "asshole" here, YOU are harassing the creator/s, YOU need to stop.
1st off, I said ALL the facts. 2nd off, I said a glitch/bug that seemed very irrelevant and stupid yet the creator/s not only left it, but replied to it that they would fix it. So you can shut up already about them being jerks and you knowing every single fact when clearly you don't, and let me repeat it in all caps, YOU DON'T KNOW ALL THE FACTS, EVERY SINGLE FACT that led up to them deleting your comment.
MarloweC, I'm sorry for seemingly having been of ill intent to you. The comments was dropped/hidden when I changed the itch page to have a "community board" rather than a comment section. Here's a link mentioning the matter: https://itch.io/t/832905/switching-projects-community-setting-from-comments-to-d...
I understand your reaction - I would likely have concluded something similar to you if the roles were turned around. Just please be kinder to others than asking them "to shut up".
This is exactly my point, you don't care if the creator/s apologize and are sorry or not, you just keep sitting on your high ass pedestal not giving a single crap about what anyone thinks. Also another point is made, you did not know ALL the facts. So would you kindly shush and stop being so rude and offensive to the creator/s when it's not needed, nor even wanted.
You haven't been aggressive to anyone, huh? Let's just go through your replies/comments real quick.
"Disgusting piece of shit."
"I said nothing about anyone until you and the dev decided to be complete fucking pieces of shit."
"Shut the fuck up."
"They are a complete asshole."
"You cannot know whether or not I knew all the facts, because you don't know a single fucking one of them. You are preposterously fucking stupid and a complete asshole."
"When you fucking told me I don't know the facts when I was literally fucking there and you weren't. I didn't start jack shit."
"They are a complete asshole. Don't support them."
All of these examples is only some of what you said, and only for this game. Lots of people have been calm and rational when replying to you and yet you go off on a tantrum and be aggressive and rude to them, especially the creator/s. Here's some more for the little cherry on top for a, sort-of, different-ish matter.
"I don't know how the fuck everyone thinks I'm demanding that devs change their games."
"I do not jump at everyone who disagrees with me. That's what the rest of you are doing. You do realize that I wouldn't be angry at all if you weren't intentionally pissing me off for no reason at all?"
"I have not been aggressive towards anyone. Disgusting piece of shit. I am having to defend myself from everyone else's aggression constantly."
If what you're saying is true about how everyone is ganging up on you, then think for a while about how it seems like everyone is. If you're getting hate wherever you go, then it is more likely it is you whose to blame and not the people around you. So judging from all of this evidence, would you kindly, shut the hell up? I won't stand by and let you harass the creator/s and other innocent people, you can fuck with me all you want, but don't you dare bring other people into this, hate me all you want, imagine killing me if you really want to. I don't care, you'd never hate me more than I hate myself already anyway. Just stop fucking with the creator/s who work so diligently and honestly to bring a smile to people's faces, along with the innocent people who play and get caught up to the current ending/stopping point of the game then wait patiently for the next update so they can have fun and love the game again and possibly even more.