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exactly that, I try to start the game 3 times and the girl always get stuck in the cutscene.

Oh, found it. Left a collider on by accident. Current ver (DD21 1.1) fixes that plus some other issues I didn't QA properly over the weekend.

After a while i had some time to try the game, and nope. After i install the new version it give me Black Screen, i guess it will be for the next Jam

Sorry about that. Where is this black screen? Is it after you select New Game, or just immediately after the Unity splash? The current build works on my computer (Win 7) so I'm not sure what the issue is.


Oh right, you can try deleting your save file if you haven't already. If the game crashes while loading, it just shows a black screen. On Windows it's in AppData\LocalLow\Scarlet String Studios