Yeah, I found all the tablets and got the thing that was behind their door, but I thought it was used in the shields & serpents ending with the other item. Does it have a use elsewhere? Also just out of curiosity, was the shields and serpents puzzle a thing that you retroactively added to Tower of Gargax? Or was it some 4D chess type move where you had it in there from the get-go?
There're three endings: one where you don't 100% the game (tablets + bestiary) or do the shields & serpents puzzle (the "bad" ending), one where you either 100% the game or do that puzzle (one of the two items, the "normal" ending) and one for completing everything (the "good" ending). If you got the last one, that's the best ending! Congrats! Though, now I may have to add a super secret ending in...
And, in regards to your question, it was retroactive, though I wish I'd had the foresight to add something like that in at the time. Though, I hadn't even made Transmute (Polymute's other prequel game) at that point, so I had no idea things would connect as they did. But then I added a reference to ToG into Transmute and from there came Polymute!