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Until the crashes are solved, maybe a soft save upon finishing a combat, so upon reloading game you choose start of zone or end of combat?  Would get rid of the part where I fight a bunch of monsters but then lose it all and have to restart the area.  Which happens frequently.

Also, why is it that nobody's buying my old armor or the cupcakes and cakes I bought from next door?  I can't appear to sell my old armor to the Eagledeen vendor, so it should be something I can sell in my shop.  Is it just that the right buyer hasn't entered yet? because I've had multiple times when the shop closes without any sales, though my shelves are stocked with cupcakes and such.

And I'd like to see an alchemist or magic user from a neighboring area, or one who's just starting out, use my shop to buy extra mats for their work.  That way I could get rid of all this extra slime ooze.  I've started fleeing slimes just to avoid the overstock, and I still get way too much extra from the Fighter Guild forays.  Maybe give us a way to squash slime into higher-level ingredients or something?  Donate it to the Mage Guild for points?  Use it as fertilizer to grow extra resources at home?

(Unbalanced ingredients is one of my pet peeves, from back when I was hooked on Facebook games.  Theirs was deliberate (trying to get you to buy the items you needed), but this one's just incidental.  Still, having a ton of something you can't use, that just takes up space, is irritating, and I hate to just destroy it (might need it later), and I'm always getting more of it.)

Some items, like armors and baked goods from next door, are currently unsellable through the store mini game. There will be an UI update in Chapter 2 which will show which type of customers are interested with a particular item, among other revamps and updates.

Please send us detailed description of the crash and ways to reproduce it: potion/bomb used, enemy types fought, last action that was taken that made the crash, etc. Crashes are difficult to find, but we will fix it immediately if we can reproduce it on our end. Your help will be greatly appreciated.