I've used Unity for my last two Ludum Dare games, but that's pretty much the extent of my Unity usage. It's good, but it's also a non-open-source commercial engine. So a few minus points from me.
I've made a few games in LibGDX, but I don't like it that much. Probably something to do with Java and my negative attitude towards that.
I've made a few games in Phaser, and I like it. I don't like its "sprites are gameobjects" way of doing things, but otherwise, it's pretty great.
I've also made my own "engines" for many of my games. Currently I'm making a very simple 3D engine with TypeScript and Three.js. I intend to use it in the Ludum Dare in a few days.
And then to the programs I use:
- IDE/text editor: For Java/Scala I use Eclipse, and Atom for others. (Which are mostly Rust, TypeScript and C#) I also used to use emacs, but Atom seduced me with its looks.
- Graphics editor: Paint.NET, Blender, learning Photoshop
- DAW: LMMS, Reaper
- Timelapse tools: For screencapping, I use scrot if I'm on Linux and Chronolapse if I'm on Windows. For making the screencaps into a video, ffmpeg.
- Streaming: OBS