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hey can i use the sprites in my gameboy sonic game?

(1 edit) (+1)

OK! I cannot give you an exact license since it’s already fan art; just credit me and notify me when the game is out (consider it a kind of CC-BY-NC as mentioned in the itch game metadata, except that it only applies to my work of adaptation).

I don’t know if they will work in 4 colors though, you’ll have to try. If it fails, you can always ask pixel artists for help (I’m not 100% satisfied of my sprites, so if you find one maybe they can make nice sprites specifically for this color palette).

To extract the sprites:

  • download the cartridge release ( and extract it
  • open data_stage_sonic.p8 in PICO-8
  • check the spritesheet and run export sonic_spritesheet.png

If you don’t have PICO-8 I can upload it directly on this page too.

could you upload it please? thanks

Yes, actually I’ve noticed that the exported spritesheet from PICO-8 misses one foot in the fall sprite due to it sticking out.

So I’ve uploaded the arranged spritesheet with the fixed foot as “picosonic sonic spritesheet (arranged) - pink background v6.0.png” (mostly useful for PICO-8 users; they should set transparency color to pink) and a variant “… transparent background v6.0.png” with a transparent BG (you’ll probably want that considering you’re gonna change the colors anyway).