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Hi there, I just recently played through Room 303 and I thought it was quite enjoyable.

I’ll start off with some things that I liked. The game looks amazing and runs very well, at least it did on my machine while simultaneously recording. The atmosphere is tense, especially since you’re thrust into the situation very quickly. The environment itself is nicely detailed, brought to life with the use of some fantastic lighting effects. The voice acting is fairly well done, especially for the what I can only assume is a demon, it definitely adds to the overall feel of the game.

Given the length of the game and the time constraints in making it, I think the story here is acceptable. I like the mystery that surrounds it and the end definitely piqued my curiosity but there are a lot of unanswered questions.

The only thing I can point out that I didn’t like was how things needed to be fixed in a very specific order when they otherwise didn’t have to be, why did I have to fix the lamp before the couch or the tv? It’s a very minor thing, but it would have saved a few moments of frustration and mucking about.

All in all, I think this was pretty well done, especially given that it was made in only 7 days.

Also, I hope you don’t mind but I made a short let’s play of the game over on my channel.   

Cheers and best wishes,
