<3 Lots of love for your work!
Can I say that Cpt. Sinclair reminds me of Brash from Demonheart, with that crooked smile and hair, but with an much more irritating face. However he eventually grew on me with his unexpected moments of consideration and support.
I actually think that the dispassionate proposal from Mr. Worthington makes sense. He is in a way, trying to approach it from the perspective of a protector who is trying to fix a mistake, and may be afraid of scaring her away from him by showing any romantic affection. After all, he has known her since she was a young girl, and he definitely does not want her to think that he has been thinking of her in that inappropriate way.
I have no affection for Guy. I certainly agree with the Miss Fernside, that if he could think her capable of the rumours, that he is unworthy of her.
It is definitely very rewarding to have supportive parents, even if the friends are nonexistent. I really hope to have the option of some kind of reconciliation between Miss. Fernside and her friends, or even for her to make new ones!
I'm also hoping that Miss. Fernside might pick up some other hobbies. It seemed that a lot of time passed ingame with her not really doing very much. Perhaps she might try to wrap her thoughts around Plato, trade, military strategy, or maybe even sewing dolls for the orphanage. Anything but being idle!
I am SO looking forward to this game and its Kickstarter! <3
Thank you for creating this!