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Oh, I see. I might try this myself but it might take at least 1-2 days to get to that.

Thank you, take your time :). 

So I’ve done a fair bit of research and it seems like the main problem is with shadows in enclosed areas (which the dungeon is). You can see a discussion here: . And as far as I know, these people do not have a working solution for this. However, someone from Unity replied there that in Unity 2021.2 it should be possible to access collider shape primitives and that it may be easier to fix these problems. I also tried working on my own solution but it’d require quite a lot of polishing and would also probably become obsolete soon as 2021.2 is already in its beta stage. So I’d probably recommend waiting for the new version of Unity where it should be easier to automatically generate the shadow caster shapes.

Ok, thank you for your research! Will hold off on that front until the new version.