Well, today was busy.
Redid the map a little. Made the trees solid. Added chests and put items in them. Added an intro cutscene (these example screens are both from said intro cutscene) AND a second cutscene that plays when you approach the two chests (the third chest just exists). Made sure those cutscenes only played once. Changed UI to red (and decided to just keep the font, its fine). Got music playing in-game. So this was a lot that got done.
I'm liking RPG Maker a lot. Its surprisingly flexible, even with just the defaults. I haven't had to type in any sort of code, which frankly feels like cheating a bit. I think I would like to keep making games with RPG Maker. Although my main go-to engine is still going to be RenPy, I think.
Tomorrow is my day of rest (by which I mean I will lay down to rest my eyes and then not wake up until the evening, thereby getting nothing done except a fantastic nap), so I most likely won't be working on Cut Me Deeply any. But my plan on Monday is to implement some combat. Whether is mostly fixed encounters or random encounters, I don't know. Depends on which one is easier. Also, I want to change the main menu music. The default doesn't really vibe with the style.