I like it
I really enjoyed playing your game. It's really fun. The graphics are good enough for the style of the game and really enjoyable. The gameplay is really fast which fits the game but it might be too fast at some points in the game. However the game has one "logical" problem and few other. The "logical" problem is really weird and you must've missed it for some reason. The problem is that holding SHIFT key, to make your ship go faster, doesn't help the gameplay at all. I thought if you go faster that the time will get down faster but that is not the case. Holding shift is just giving the player a way to die faster at big speed. So I advise you that you should set your time to go down faster when the ship is boosting. Because like this it doesn't have any function.. well it can kill you faster lol.
Also, I really like the effect in the main menu screen that looks like the ship is moving fast. Great effect. There is also another logical "bug" where the lasers doesn't go from the ship but personally that's not a big problem for me and it didn't change my gameplay. Other think is to note that other people are commenting as well is that there are a lot of asteroids spawning and it's not a rare case they spawn in front of the ship. Also really liked the music and the softness of the gameplay!
These below are my opinions on the current game state. Things in the brackets are stuff that you could add/fix if you want to continue developing it "outside" of this game jam. If you are not planning to continue it, then you should focus on the rating rather then comments.
Gameplay : 8.2/10 (could use more features like power-ups and etc. Adding special asteroids, like exploding asteroids, would be nice!)
Music: 10/10 (maybe some other tracks?)
Graphics: 8.2/10 (I wouldn't add nor change anything around graphics that much but adding cool new effects would be nice!)