Oct 1
Finished up puzzle design for mural-style puzzle, "Three Musicians" by Pablo Picasso. The blue squares here represent each of the different puzzles (25 puzzles, each 15x15 pixels/squares). Going for mostly realistic, but each puzzles has to conform to nonogram logic rules in order to be solvable. Each puzzle here has been checked and works!
Oct 2
Doing a test to see what it would look like if, after the puzzle is solved, it shows a colorized version (a la Pokemon Picross). Going to see how much time it takes (answer: a lot!) and if it's worth it (answer: not sure!). My partner thinks the payoff is better to see the color version at the end. I'm drawing from a limited color palette and having to brush up on my color theory haha. I feel like the color's quite off. Is it worth it, will it bring delight? Is the art working here or meh?
Oct 3
Continuing test for colorize-the-puzzle juice. Did a mockup of what it would look like it game. The flow from black and white to high/low saturation colors is not quite right. Probably would be surrounded by bubbly "tada!" effects. I like the effect overall! I think it would take more work to get it quite right. Going to get back to must-haves tomorrow, like menu UI.