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Really cool, I love the music/atmosphere and the visuals. The darker pallete and lighting looks cool. A few notes on the gameplay itself though:

The current control layout feels pretty bad, maybe having the arrows control both movement and menus and having either attack or dash on left ALT and the bomb on like Z would feel better. It's real hard to use sword/dash/gun/bomb fluidly at the same time with current layout.

The dash having absolutely no i-frames makes it tough to avoid being hit by the bosses' multiple rapid seeking projectiles, and you can't slice them with your sword fast enough because of the short pause after the fourth attack.

If you DPS the boss too fast it combines 2 of it's attacks in a single barrage, like the rapid seeking yellow shots and the red ground circles at once. Not sure if intended.

I could dash attack into the boss' hitbox accidentally and get stuck there, which meant I couldn't use dash attacks at all in the fight or risk getting stuck.

Having dialogue scroll only while you hold ENTER feels a little weird.

Overall it looks real promising, even if it is similar to HLD.

Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated! The controls have been mentioned and I'm just now realizing they 're uncomfortable. I'll be working on that for the next demo. The suggestions you made are good, as well, so thanks for that.

I'm super interested in the dash i-frames -- I had that early on in the game but turned it off as it made things a bit too easy. But I can see it being needed if the game goes in the direction of the boss fight, with more chaotic patterns, etc. Will experiment with that as well.

Dashing into the boss is a bug, so that's on the list to be fixed as well, thanks for mentioning. The red AoE and homing bullets pattern is done on purpose. I wanted the attack to feel chaotic, like the boss is throwing everything at you as it dies, but without i-frames on the dash, I can see how it could be a pain to avoid.

Thanks for playing the game and the detailed feedback!