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Been Following this game for quiet a long while now and honestly It's getting harder and harder for me to look at this game and not just see it as another Star Citizen. I understand that game development can take a long while there have been other games that I been following for just as long if not longer and I seen a fair share of them die out either due to infighting, corpate stuff or just upping and leaving with the cash

But this game wasn't even 30% when the rebranding renaming and changing of the art style and animations at the height of the popularity which really didn't make any sense and it still doesn't since that seems like something you would do once you have all the other systems already set up and maxed out. Especially considering this game is basically Wifu Simulator with the amount of Princesses in the rooster and the mechanincs that have countless other options for side characters and kids to suddenly shift gears into focusing on the art and well. Adding more and more princesses to the list  Which just gives you guys even more and more work to do on top of the stuff that should already take priority....
Yeah. It just really seems like you guys are just, grinding and farming away at the cash flow while taking literal years to go up just a .01.

At this point i'm just going to be sitting in the background wondering who is going to "finish" first

Princess and Conquest, or Star Citizen

  • Star Citizen is a scam. 
  • Princess & Conquest has tits.

No contest.

Jokes around,  we're not promising anything unrealistic.
The game's completion is set at 20 "Reigns", and Bird, which is already in Beta builds, is number 16.
Oni is #17. The other 3 will come later.

pls say foxes are coming


Sorry, should have read everything you wrote before answering.

Yeah. It just really seems like you guys are just, grinding and farming away at the cash flow while taking literal years to go up just a .01.

You're just wrong, and likely don't even read changelogs. Beta builds are out every week, and I work on the game daily. If anything, I'm milking myself dry.


One of the most malicious and mean-spirited comments I've seen in a long time.

Don't listen to em, Towerfag, your game is awesome. Keep it up!