While the graphics are excellent and the story is at least acceptable - though not remotely believable - the gameplay is lacklustre. Player agency is restricted to two things: simple choices that don't feel like they have much ability to drive the storyline, and 'free roaming' sections where you literally just wander around picking up bonus art and looking for the next cutscene. Games like this rarely have much in the way of gameplay, but I do prefer something. Here there are no management aspects, no puzzles, and no real freedom. You're led by the nose through the whole experience.
At the moment, there is very little content. I think I'd seen everything in about half an hour. I don't want this to come across as too much of a negative point because the game IS early access and it's not being sold at a high price - assuming future updates won't be sold as DLC, which I doubt.
Now, I've been a bit negative there, so let me qualify this by saying that there is certainly promise for the future, especially when animated scenes have been implemented. If all you want from a visual novel is something to read and some sexy scenes to gawp at, then you probably won't be disappointed. But this game isn't going to hold my attention for very long. It's the kind of game I'll dash through as fast as possible then maybe use a walkthrough to find the bits I missed for specific girls that I liked - if it's even possible to miss anything (as I said, the choices just don't feel impactful so far). I'm not really savouring it in the same way as I do more involved titles like Summertime Saga or Corrupted Kingdoms.