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(1 edit)

Oh my gosh, this is AMAZING. You made this in a month? Wow. The artwork is top-notch, yes, and the writing is excellent, but what’s blowing me away is the sheer depth of the thing. Turn-based combat with fully implemented mechanics? Leveling up individual skills? Multiple stat systems, not only for mana and health but also learning and relationship-building? Check, check, check.

Both main characters’ personalities are really coming through in the writing, and Dianthus reminds me of Lysithea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, a game I’ve spent an embarassing amount of time playing. I do have a small gripe with the battle balancing. Maybe I’m just missing something obvious, but damn, these battles are hard. It feels like there’s exactly one sequence of winning moves, which may make sense from a story perspective but isn’t as much fun as having a bit more strategic space.

Still, wow. Just, wow.

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I'm glad you enjoyed everything so much! We had a bit of an advantage with the battle system - the core system was completed for the main game before the jam started, but we got permission from Nai to use it in the jam. But the enemies are all new, and obviously the story, characters, battle dialogue, etc.

I should probably write a battle guide for the game, as it's a little complex especially since you're thrown into the game with two older witches who already know many spells (instead of unlocking a them slowly). Each enemy has multiple winning strategies, but only one strategy is hinted at by the battle dialogue in game. I did have the feedback that the game was too hard from testers back when only what is now called Hard mode existed, so I added Normal mode - but perhaps I need an easy mode too XD.