Day 7:
As today I have been sick on bed all day with a fever, I had not been able to use my computer…
Some progress was made, though. I started a document writing from my phone to categorize exactly how many characters they are, how are the households distributed, the conflict they represent and other relevant information.
There’s roughly 17 adult characters and 8 kids right now, distributed in 8 different households that form a total of 6 main missions.
Each mission completed successfully will return you an orb of gratitude, the magic of which Bunny is using to allow the Moon Lady to descend. Reunite the 6 orbs making the people excited for the festival, and help Bunny return home!
My main struggle now is most characters don’t have names because I’m really bad at naming… there probably be a bunch of placeholders for a while.
I’m also getting some help with the sprites from a friend, so that’s good. I could use more hands for the project…!
I hope to feel better tomorrow….