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(2 edits) (+1)


- "I tried going to sleep in G-Bee's room, and--"
-- That's your first mistake. A whole entire RPG party going to bed in a single-bed apartment? How's that supposed to work? (Seriously, please click "no" when asked if you want to heal up in G-Bee or Ramon's place; if you go to sleep, you currently don't wake back up! In the post-game jam update, there will be light after taking a nap.) 

- "Why is there a save menu when you can't actually save in this game?"
-- This is to add a sadistic "one run to the finish"-type roguelike aspect to the proceedings. It's definitely not because I messed up how saves work in the last-minute "upgrade" of the project. The game will be thoroughly unroguelikeified in the post-game jam update. (Edit: Though it does have certain rogue-y aspects in it that will remain. No two trips to The Old Ultraviolet will be the same in terms of what treasure you pick up, and where you find it. The post-jam update will have noticeably more variety in this area, though.)

- "What exactly does the Shield Upgrade do?"
-- Placebo effect. Chi shields aren't real. They will be in the post-game jam update, though.

- "Where do I take the Mood Ring?"
-- Don't worry 'bout it 'til the post-jam update.

- "Why is that one NPC floating overhead?"
-- He's high on life. If you remain standing underneath him, you can talk to him like you would any other NPC. He'll be back down to earth in the post-game jam update.

- "Why can't I see the entire name of the attacks used in battle?"
-- Because I couldn't figure out how to lower that text in any of the plugins I used; even SRD's Hudmaker was unwilling to grab'n'drag that line of text. 

- "Who's Johnny, and what's Johnny's & Johnny's Neighbors Place?"
-- It's the guy who used to live in Ramon's crib before Ramon moved there about halfway through the game jam. His nameplates will be removed from the apartment door in the post-jam update.