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I've just uploaded a first update with seasonal palettes, I've even done a bit more than you suggested... As these palettes are locked behind a paywall, I'll send you a key sothat you can still get them, since you're the one who suggested them. All you need to do is send me your discord, sothat I can actually give it out to you, I've still got to make the destroyed versions, please do send me some references sothat I know what you want them to look like!


Thanks for getting back to me! The seasonal palettes look amazing. I attached a .gif of a character destroying some small plants. I couldn't find one of a bush/tree that would fit into this box unfortunately. Hopefully you get what I mean. My Discord is Akinero#3596.


I didn't want to attach this picture since its so big. I just mean the tree stump as the "destroyed" version.


Thanks for the examples, I sent you a request on Discord, my name is "mandarinCapybara"