win 7 x64
game ver: 0.5.15d x32
bug - city market going out of trade screen
when pressing "2" it goes out of the buy/sell screen, it happened in Wimborn, as I'm on a notebook without numeric keyboard, I used the upper number (forgot how to call it) it may or may not happen with numeric keyboard too.
edit 6: is like the game keeps running in the background, if pressing the number equivalent to the shortcut, the game will keep going. Like, if you are buying something in the market in frostford, and press "4", it will teleport back to mansion.
When buying something earlier, I ended up accepting a mission without knowing. (the one that Sebatian gives recipe to create a potion). More than once, I ended up in the "sell slaves" screen. I'd sugest to fix it asap. /end edit 6
edit5 edit 1: not sure if its the new backgroud, but the "abilities" button seems covered or just isnt there anymore... or maybe I just didnt find where to config spells to show up when fighting. Seems someone mentioned it before. /end edit
nvm, just found its still working when clicking and selecting the character in party outside combat... I was just way too used to "abilities" button inside combat mode. /end edit 5
edit 2: clicking on "hide ui" during combat. will show the last "screen off combat", it permits to use items/spell through "control" party button, though it wont affect combat, but the spell will use mana... probably the items too./end edit 2
edit 3: new combat system may needs some tweaking:

no one has any debuff
agi Sher: 0, Hyll: 0, Geri: 3, Linh: 2
Hyllynand and Geri didnt atk in the first turn, not sure if its intended. Geri stats, both agi and speed are greater than Sher and Linh, so if it isnt random, she should have atked first. In some new encounters, seems random who gets to atk in the first round, except that the mc aways gets to go first ofc.
when pressing "f" at the first round and having autoatk selected, all four aways will atk, /end edit 3
edit 4: gold spent buying food(when the cook autobuy) isnt reported in "gold spent in various task", however, the amount is deduced from total gold earned. Something like: slv one earned 120, slv two earned 110, lets say 100 was spent buying food(it doesnt tell the amount anymore), the main report will be something like:
yours slaves earned 130 gold
0 gold was spent in various tasks. (it doesnt tell in secondary report either how much was spent)
if you need a printscreen of this, just tell, I will make one the next time I run the game.
so sleepy :( /end edit 4
about Emily, I kinda agree with what was said above. I'd sugest to use the new looks after getting surgery, it would make sense gamewise too.