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(1 edit) (+1)

I really like how that waterfall looks in the initial sketch art! I like how the bar for Player 1 and Player 2 is shared. Will this be local multiplayer or online, do you think?

I'm still brand new to coding in C sharp. What does Ac.Evaluate do in the code posted here?

(1 edit)

Hey watercolorheart! Thanks for your post and the feedback. I really wanted to do something more complex like the waterfall sketches (think a local multiplayer Game & Watch) but realised that was waaaaay out of scope and I'd never complete it. I ended up coming up with something heaps simpler and I'm pretty confident I can finish!

There' no reason why it couldn't be online MP but there's no way I'd get that done for this game jam. For now it's just a one button (space bar) local MP game, but sharing a button adds to the player experience I wanted to create so it was a lucky bonus.

I'm still pretty new to curves myself, this is the first time I've been able to use them so I'm pretty excited about that.They seem like a really flexible way to give something that might previously have linear movement some life and character.  

ac.Evaluate looks at which part on the curve the animation is at according to the time passed. The 'ac' part is just a variable name for the Animation Curve that I have exposed in the Inspector so I can tweak it visually. You can see that in one of the screenshots.