Hey, I'd like to start off by saying that me and my party absolutely love this homebrew! G&S frames are a really unique bunch, and one of our members absolutely loves running into things with no regard for his own wellbeing in his Orlando frame. It's been a blast to play with.
That said, I have one critique; I feel that Ascalon Engines (from Orlando 2) could use a bit of balance tuning. It's such an outstandingly good system that other players have started picking it up, and it makes some other frames and builds slightly overpowered. In particular, when paired with a build that relies on heat generation (such as the Tokugawa frame or Nuclear Cavalier talent), getting into the danger zone becomes extremely easy, and can usually be done on the player's first turn, before they even spend any actions. As written, assuming you can only use it once for standard move and once for boost on your turn, characters with it equipped can generate up to 12 heat at will, as long as they use boost.
The rules of Lancer say that free actions can be used any number of times on a player's turn, so the lack of limitations on Ascalon's usage are what I assume to be the biggest issue with it's implementation. My suggestion would be to introduce a usage limit (i.e. 1/turn or 1/round), to prevent misuse, and perhaps to lower the amount of heat it generates.