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I had the morning to continue the project and I'll take any free time to make progress as the deadline is fast approachin'

I've created a two more simple tilesets, basically recolors for the two other areas the player will find the key crystals to open the exit door. (I also added a little sparkle effect to give it some life in the crystal sections~

The other area will be a lava section where the player has to traverse well... lava. I made the lava slowly rise up and down to make it seem a little better (a solid block of color made it look so bad. ) Also made the player jump up when hurt by the lava a la mario 64 so I don't have to bother with water-type gravity.

Finally I made a couple of other simple enemies. Realized I need to make a hurt sprite for the player and a knockback type dealio to give some kind of feedback for getting hurt.

 First enemy was a slime that slowly approaches the player when nearby. A jumping spider that still needs to be tweaked for maximum deadliness. The toughest to make so far, the sine wave bug thing that jankily flies around. Its behavior is pretty lame and really predictable but it'll do .

That's it for now! Gotta get ready and look presentable!