I love this so much and can't wait for the full game d>w<b
I was just wondering if you guys have a rough estimate on how much the game would cost to purchase and if you were thinking of bringing it onto Steam :3?
Wow, thanks so much!!! OwO
I'm so happy that you enjoyed the game!!! >w<
Did you have a favorite part? :D
Ah, yes, we do have an idea about how much it will cost, thanks for asking! o3o
we are thinking about 5 dollars :3
And in January there will be a kickstarter where you can get additional rewards such as name in credits, and even the chance to design a character for the game! ^w^
We are DEFINITELY thinking of putting it on steam!
I already have the game up in the concept section of greenlight and when the game is completed (10 months from now) we will move the game to the actual greenlight area and try to get accepted :D
Thank you so much for playing!!!
Hehehe, that's one of my favorite parts too XD
And the fact that Ass is ready to MURDER you because you don't know what a turtle is!
Thanks again so much!!! ;w;
If you'd like, you can follow our tumblr and we'll have an announcement when the Kickstarter and Greenlight process begins! :D