That's it, I'm telling my mom now! When she finds out what you called me, you are going to be in biiiig trouble >:( She might bring out the WOODEN SPOON! You know what happens when that gets pulled out? Fear. Pain. Suffering. Those are the feelings you will feel when you hear her stomping down the hallways ready to get you! I'm going to tell my dad too! Yeah that's right, he's going to find you while you're in class and he's going to give you the worst lecture of your entire life! It's going to be horrific! I'll tell you, your parents are going to be pretty mad at first, but then they're going to feel really bad for you because of how terrible you are! Your mom is going to cry and your dad is going to just shake his head and say "How very disappointed I am" But the real kicker is, your dad's going to start laughing his ass off! He's going to say "Ah ha, you see. My son IS an idiot! I've always been right about him, and I was right! He just couldn't resist getting involved in his teachers business!" Then he's going to laugh some more, and finally he'll stand up and clap his hands and say "Son, I've decided that from now on, you are no longer allowed to go to university, and you will be banned from the internet. Instead, I'm sending you to boot camp. When you come home, you'll be learning a trade so that you can become a productive member of society! You're going to clean toilets and you're going to eat dog food! But that's okay because the last thing I want is for my son to end up being the WORST person in the world!" Your dad is going to stand up, and he's going to hug you tightly, and then he's going to walk off, and then he's going to laugh some more. And then your mom is going to yell at him and tell him how he doesn't understand, and he's going to tell her that YOU'RE the idiot! But, as they're arguing about you, you're going to be going to your room, with no one to stop you! It's going to be the saddest moment in your entire life! You're going to think to yourself "Wow, my parents have forgotten all about me!" But as you start to realize that your mom and dad are right, you're going to start thinking "What have I done to deserve this?" and you're going to start to get really sad, and then you're going to realize that all of this happened because you got involved and called me stupid!