When i got to the combat i was excited since i played the M+R:KB on switch. But seeing how the game never has actual... "tatical and planning" control options... i feel like i wanna ask for some highly needed features.
[1. The camera, zooming out and moving it to know the best strategy and such. Why can't i do this.. this is useful for android users like me..]
[2. In combat, you need to add a optional "dpad" or "confirm action" button to display DURING BATTLES. One, i repeat ONE misclick or mistake up during moving and such can ruin the fun. ...and on android it can happen alot, plus this is forcing me to skip battles. The controls.. ]
[3. Can't you at least have us earn exp. So that way i WANT to battle. Plus why take away the main protagonist's main weapon and ability UNTIL THE BOSS OF WORLD 2. You're given no time to practice and prepare since the player is never prepared for it.]
[4. Like actually see "the completionist's" MRKB talk on the gameplay ..since he nails on WHY THE COMBAT GAMEPLAY WORKS SO WELL AND EVERYTHING. JUST LOOK AT IT, it makes me feel like in third crisis that I'm limited or not given good controls for gameplay. Just... go look at at. I can't say anymore just go see it. Learn from it. Its so so so useful for developers.]