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I couldn't play the game in the browser and it said it was damaged when I tried to download.  It doesn't sound like others had this issue and maybe its because I am on a Mac and that is why I am having trouble.

(1 edit)

Thanks for trying to play.. yes I think it's a bit too graphic intensive for the browser (I did realise after submitting I should try GLES-2). In any case I have a Mac version (built from a Mac this time), just contacting the admins to let me re-submit it.

Uploaded a .dmg file, should be okay on Macs. :)


it said it was damaged when I tried to download

From my understanding this is a common problem Mac users have with some itch games, the easiest way to solve this is by downloading the game through the itch app.

Alternatively you can delete the apple.quarantine attribute from the downloaded file by writing in the terminal:

path_to_game xattr -d

Oh this is interesting, thank you so much for the info! Hopefully helps Mac users.


After the re-upload the download work fine.   I found it very visually impressive for a jam game (and i get why it couldnt really run in the browser).