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Day 7 Update

Good day today, but I've got to head out of town this Friday, so that leaves only four days to finish, and there is still a ton to do. I should have all day Tuesday to work on this, which will help a lot. I'm hoping I can make a huge push then.

Today, however, was a good day. I got the health bar working. I got the hydration bar working. I added water bottles which add hydration. I also got some object respawning working, and adding some player motion tweaks.

Things left to do:

  • Add four more levels (Monday)
  • Add navigation guides to the first level as a tutorial (Thursday)
  • Add an end point for a level (oasis) (Monday)
  • Add snakes as an enemy (Tuesday)
  • Add quicksand as an obstacle (Monday)
  • Add vultures as an enemy (Tuesday)
  • Add fire as an obstacle (Monday)
  • Add a mechanic for moving between levels (Monday)
  • Add a splash screen. (Tuesday)
  • Add a start, pause, end game, and resume menu (Wednesday)
  • Other stuff I can't think of at the moment. (Thursday)
(1 edit)

Great progress! The hydration concept is really neat.

Thanks! Getting the health and hydration bars working felt great. It was new ground for me, and I had to piece together stuff from three tutorials to figure it out. I was stoked when I got it working.