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And here we are, twenty devlogs later, with a feature-complete Cut Me Deeply!  Now its just a matter of editing and playtesting before release next week.

Today I finalized the final boss, and I don't know what kind of AI RPGMaker is sticking into him but holy cow is he a good boss fight.  He sure makes ME nervous when I fight him!  Also, the final cutscene and credits  (by which I mean the screen fades to black and some text boxes pop up saying who made it and in what engine and for what jam, nothing too fancy since I only used RPGMaker's built-in assets for this project).  I also touched up the reviving potion of the game by adding a 50% health restoration effect to it, admittedly inspired by how Pokemon's revives work (it seems fair, and plus it gives me a chance to learn how to edit restoration items).

Tomorrow, I'm going to go through and double-check all the dialogue boxes, make sure everything is spelled and formatted (and add in any story bits that I feel are needed).  I'm also going to time my playthrough, get an idea of how long it takes to play the game in one sitting.

But mostly, I'm just glad it's feature complete!  I definitely want to return to RPGMaker for other projects.  Heck, there's an RPG idea I've had bouncing around in my  head since 2012.  Maybe....