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Looks great, had lots of fun creating a level and trying to beat it! would be nice to edit it in game, but it is amazing what you can creat with a text editor and your game :) Could not get past the first section of mud in the demo level but I am going to keep trying, the music is great but it is a bit repetetive when you here it in your ear for 20min. having the camera follow the player would allow for bigger maps but on the other hand the style of seeing everything whey you go in gives a great feeling of satasfaction. Graphics could use some more work but all in all a fun little prototype that I might come back to and experement with, making maps takes a while but is very rewording.

As always, thank you ! ^-^
The game is fully made on JavaScript. But I am a complete novice in this language. It was one of my first game projects as well. I can make better games now, but I don't really want to make platformer games, or upgrade existing one...