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Absolutely amazing how much custom art you were able to push out for this game jam. It has that feel of a good point and click adventure game in it. Some have mentioned it before, but I also had a crash or two randomly while playing. Click an point adventure games have never been a genre that sang to me, but I am incredibly impressed with what you were able to put out in a short amount of time.


I appreciate that! I really feel like I'd like to get a better artist to redo all the art for me, I'm not a great pixel artist to begin with, but I'm fast at animating, so I did most of the characters petty quickly. All told, the thing that took the most time was the backgrounds... seven straight days of work for those 13 backgrounds (not including the title screen). I would have put a lot more background, character, and object animation in if that hadn't taken so long.

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback!