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wow! i played the beginning of the game and i can say it's very good so far

it reminded stardew valley, but i have a question: any possibility of adding a female protagonist in the future? (she might as well work as a prostitute or date guys)

Thank you for playing, I hope you'll enjoy the whole demo!

For the female protagonist, I don't think I'll implement it in this game. There are plans to make a dating sim with female MC, but I'll need to finish this game first. :)

it's a shame it's only going to have a male protagonist, because i think this game has the potential to explore things from a female perspective (especially when it's harvest moon/stardew valley style)

but that's ok, the game looks great anyway! and the characters look good! ;)

Well from the storyline I'm writing for this game, a female MC doesn't really fit.  But when I do get to working on the female MC dating sim game, I'll be sure to let you know! Thanks mate!