That's some deep detective work there! Yeah "Find Nearest" is a bit... wobbly :) The good news is that it should be fixed in the next version. "Find Nearest" will always find the nearest thing to the bot (rather than the teach location or the beacon). The bad news is the next version won't be out for a while :( We're not exactly sure on a release date.
That's cool, thanks Denki. Actually, the reason I started playing again recently was because the updates were slowing down. I kept having to restart because of compatibility issues. I named my file ThisTime4Real and I finally hope to beat it this time. I am close to fully automating everything with an arsenal of only steam bots and metal tools so I'm going to be sticking with version Tito for a while. I think I might create a video on my channel of 10 subs :) to share my codes and experiences with people. I'll let you know when I do that. This game is turning out pretty well, even back on version Hedy, you could've convinced me that it was a full game already. I can't wait for the full release. I'll try to promote you as best I can for an average person like me 👍
I don't think the beacon will change anytime soon, but I could be wrong. I do wish there was a hotkey to view the range of beacons though. I used to use an exploit back before version 12 (i think) where bots would hold the beacons and you could see the ring it created with a little offset from the direction it was held. That made covering the map in beacons a little easier so I could set up recharging stations everywhere. Either that or be able to change the range to cover the entire map. Better yet, make it a research-able upgrade with a requirement of beacons :p. This game has so much potential that it could go a million directions which is exactly why the Denki team created a tech tree outline.