Round 3
Chaos Card
For this round I drew the card “The Bountiful”. This is a card that lets you pick a tile. In the past I have used dice rolls for this and I tried that here, but wasn’t happy with the results. It did give me an idea though! So the tile I’m going to pick is K4. Just off the coast of the mycine’s territory and very much in the static.
Here’s what happens: Off the coast to the east a tropical island appears. First it seems like a mirage, but as the years go on it comes more and more into view. It is a beautiful tropical paradise unlike anything anyone of this world has seen before. It’s bounty is that beauty.
One of the questions on the card is “What new creature inhabits only that area?” and checking the palette I established I have “Magic Animals” on it. So on this island that’s out in the less dense parts of the Static exists normal animals that have magic abilities. Like teleportation and stuff like that. They can talk too, but still have little animal brains.
Turn 1
I could draw some more of the map or set a scene about people trying to get to that island, but naw. I think this round is the Round of Chaos. NEW CARD GOOOOOOO
I got: The False One.
It reads: “A group loyal to that deity is no longer loyal as they are now worshiping a different or false deity.”
A group of humans becomes obsessed with the Static and starts living out in the areas affected by it. They forsake Ilah and found a city by the mountain where Alma’s crew met their doom called Ilnah. Unsurprisingly, the majority of them become strange creatures or animate skeletons.
Ilah tries to stop these people. The Goddess even smites a few, but it makes the Static stronger as that is where they go when she tries to remove something from existence. So she cannot stop people from doing these if they really want to.
The worshipers of Ilah in Nothia take note of her disdain for those they choose the Static and make it illegal for anyone to enter that area without expressed permission under pain of death.

Turn 2
You know what? Let’s do another Chaos Card.
This time I pulled: The Celebration!
Here’s what happens: While the humans are dealing with a bit of a crisis, the dwarves and elves are celebrating a union of their peoples. They are no longer separate cultures but a single unified society called Vel’Helm. The day it is ratified becomes a national holiday.
Turn 3
While I'm extremely tempted to draw another card, I'm going to ...draw... something else instead, the Map!
The tiles: G6, H6, I6
These tiles are mostly mountains and forests as before, but I6 is also a desert. In that desert is a strangely thick forest of crystalline trees that comes to be called “Crystalwood”.