On a roll
Had a super productive night (and lunch break).
I wrote some spaghetti code for the player health that half worked but was super confusing to get the last bit done, so I scrapped it all and rewrote it into 1/5th of the line count. So fresh and so clean (and it works 100% like I wanted it to).
The game state is now implemented, including a game over screen and reloading the game to play again.
A minor detail was making the drop sizes a bit more organic by varying their size.
I really wanted to have a build posted to the half way play testing thread but Unity did its usual thing of blowing out build sizes and flat out failing my WebGL builds so I'm going to miss out on that. Does anyone know why WebGL builds have failed every single project for me? Super frustrating.
What's left?
Besides the things in the last post, there are a couple of things that need fixing when it comes to gameplay:
Disabling player input when cloud is moving (should be trivial)- stop cloud moving off edge of screen (not sure I'll tackle this one)
I think screen wrapping the cloud might also be fun for penalising overshoots but that's not going to happen in time for this game jam.