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Very interesting idea and definitely fun once I figured out what to do! I didn't understand that my mouse positioned the camera on my first play through. When my mouse pointer disappeared, I panicked and hit ESC, which made it impossible to move the camera and play the game. I read the comments here, and that helped me understand what was happening.

Just some feedback, that you're welcome to ignore :), the echo location only seemed to work when pretty close to the bugs, so I had no idea where to look until I was practically on top of them. At which point, I'd find them almost accidentally. It would be nice if the sound effect was mostly always present so that I could use it to guide me the whole time to find the next bug. Though, take this with a grain of salt, because you're the game designer and this is your game.


Hey you are right man I will work on that after jam (maybe earlier). Thanks for your awesome feedbacks and positively post.