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An interesting entry that shows a lot of promise in the writing, nuanced characterization and its diversity in cast. It is bogged down by it being far too ambitious for a gamejam entry since you need to do a lot of exploring and figuring out what to do before you can actually pinpoint the culprit.

Sometimes it is also hard to figure out where to go due to the many secret passageways the game has to offer. The quest clues/hints do not provide clear-cut directions on where to go at times and it can be hard to keep track of certain events happening. I didn't even know you have to use your bug assistant to go invisible and you have to backtrack to his place to do so. 

I really appreciate this entry's ambition and I will hope for a more polished ironed out product at the end of this post-jam someday.

Thank you for the feedback. We are working on a post jam version that should be much more clear and concise.