"Not chubby", eh? For Japan, Kounosuke is actually quite fat. The clothing we've given him does a better job at masking it.
Yes, I still would say he's not chubby here but average. By virtue that he *still* has noticeably more defined pecs than the original sprite you have. The clothing doesn't actually make it apparent, because it still shows that he lacks in enough fat for there to be noticeable definition with his pecs. They are far more shapely than both your original sprite as well as the original Morenatsu sprite.
Even with Japan having "different standards for 'fat'," I'd say that makes it even worse in this case by virtue that 1) Kono isn't human (so the scales would already be different) 2) even on BMI, at worse, he's *barely* overweight based on his original stats (like, we're talking lose 5-6 pounds levels). But in the original, he was noticeably plumper. His face is more rounded, and he doesn't have cut pecs. Your original sprite has far less defined biceps and he's wider and smaller, so... Yeah, I'd say that he barely counts as chubby here. Going even further, he's not "quite fat" he's just not skinny.
IE, now, your Kono would be slightly overweight because he doesn't eat cleanly. Not because he's obviously sedentary.