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(1 edit)

So! Tonight marks the end of another day, and we're picking up our speed now that the jam's due date is getting closer. 

We have inventory items drawn by Natto:

as well as CRAB DESIGNS!!!!! Natto's first design was this Chinese mitten crab:

It's a very pretty crab, considering how its face in real life looks like this (quote Natto):

And then these cuties happened:

<-- Coconut crab

<-- Shame-faced crab

<-- Vampire crab

Amelie's also drawn some adorable critters:

<-- Hermit crab

<-- Strawberry crab

<-- Yeti crab

Along with animating some boiling water bubbles!

I've also mocked up  music for our second map, the marketplace! It's only half done because I wanted feedback from our team before I continued making more of it, but we all ended up digging it! So I'll finish it tomorrow, but for now,  CLICK HERE to have a listen to the sketch!