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I'm thinking of a VTMB inspired top down turn based RPG: think several hubs, different quests and ways to approach them. The story would be set around a group of vampires, both Camarilla and Hecata, digging their way out of a city-wide conspiracy in the middle of Mexico City. Post-Sabbat shenanigans aimed at taking back the city would be at the very center of the story.

I also think approaching the games as a party of vampires in a classic RPG formula would be refreshing, as aside from the table-top I can't think of any WOD examples where you can play as a party.


If you're thinking about this - I'd love to help out with some text and artwork - I'm very much a beginner. 

If I were to do like a blue-sky dream game - it'd be something about controlling feeding grounds or exercising boons to - eventually - have your coterie take over.