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(1 edit) (+6)

OK so, spoilers(?) ahead or at least theory time for me

as Ive replayed the game for Carlos, among the other routes, and so an so (although i noticed the oddity my first time around and as I'm playing it right now, I'm at the lunch scene with shay) the way the flow of info Ive been been getting, its hinting (at least for me) that Chris is the rapist, i have some points to this,first his attitude, it seems forced to me, then there's the moment Russel first appears in the lab, and Chris's persona changes, which weirded me out, then we get to the whole Russel dilemma, Russel doesn't seem to be trying to win us over, its more like hes just being kind, we even see this when he takes off his beanie to put Zach at ease, even though he makes multiple lewd suggestions, he does it in a joking way, hes never really serious about it times, and then we get to the part were shay is talking to Ben about how "Chris talks about him a lot." which gave me some red flags. and in general, i've never really liked Chris due to his personality (i.e it feeling forced) and i trust Russel more due to him being the first person we meet outside of Santa Lucia

sorry for how long this is

(1 edit) (+3)

I think that you're onto something. Spoilers and theory:

Something about Chris just seems off. Especially with how Russel refers to him as a kind of "back stabber/traitor" and how he wants to "protect Ben from Chris". Something felt off about the whole forrest scene too. I think that either you are right about Chris or that he is the murderer because so far he has been at the places where the murders (that we have been there for/know more about) have taken place (the restaurant and the place with the forrest for the trip (I even think that it was mentioned that Chris left the group at some point during the dinner while Ben was sleeping, which makes me even more suspicious of him and Ben's "hallucinations").


More theory/spoilers

but then we have the scene in the mess hall with Blake, Sam, an Chris. Chris in general seems to know (or at least is implying) that Russel wasn't the rapist, but before hand he says "Hes trying to take one of my men-tees away", Because Russel never tries to imply it what-so-ever the first time he appears in the lab, which gives the idea that Chris isn't as air-headed as we think he is.

(off topic) 

then we have Zach, whose somehow in-twined in all of this, due to his odd connection with Russel, he seems to know Russel more then we think he does, then there's his connection to the "red hood" as well, and his appearance in the most recent of Ben's dreams, Zach is connected to Russel somehow, maybe he knew Russel when he was younger or maybe its some weird dream stuff that Zach might have, since he did appear in ben's dream near the end of the update. all in all, something is up with Zach and his connection to Russel, and its probably why he thinks Russel isn't guilty.

(but that just my take on it)


Even more theory/spoilers

I definately think that you're right again. Chris is definately not as air-headed as we think he is. I forgot about the fact (and didn't fully realize at the time) that he picked up on what Russel was doing without it ever being hinted at/mentioned. I also feel like Zach might have known Russel when they were younger (like you said). The car scene when they "first" meet with Zach already knowing/recognizing Russel's name and hugging Russel and acting comfortable with him, which is completely out of character for Zach, helps point to/support the theory that they have some kind of history that we don't know about. This would explain why Zach thinks Russel is innocent (like you said). Zach's connection to the "red hood" is interesing. I think that Zach might have some knid of personal connection to them in some way based off of how invested he is in them and how much he knows about them and their murders. Maybe he could have possibly known or been related to one or more of the "red hood's" victims. Or he might even know/be related to the "red hood", but that one is a bit of a stretch.

All in all, theorizing about all of this just makes me even more excited for the next public update. Hopefully it will help answer/give more evidence that can point us to more clear answers for our questions/theories and not just leave us with more questions (even though that wouldn't be too bad if it did, just more to theorize about).


there's also one more very odd thing that relates to the red hood and his "mark"? well. not exactly, there's almost no follow-up of explanation for the mark in general (i.e the scene where the first murder, that we really get details on the red hood,or well as much as we could since it was just a couple lines of text) i couldn't figure out what it was, i tried replacing the numbers with letters and i even put it through a decoder, but nothing came of it. but there is something that we can semi confirm about them, the way they murder seems oddly....religious, mainly with how they spoke, and the first time we meet the red hood (or maybe it was a different dream), its in a dream where they first talk in English but  then switch  over to a different one in a quick fashion, whoever he is, it wasn't Latin, for one thing, that i look at this, for some reason Carlos semi fits the bill, but he doesn't have that heavy religious vibe, plus his build is different then the red hood

(4 edits) (+2)


That's a really good point. They do all seem kind of religous in a way. I don't really have any ideas for the mark, but I don't think that the red hood is Carlos, but I could be wrong, escpecially after that one "hallucination" when Carlos found Ben after he first got the medicine (I know it was said that it was a hallucination, but I feel like we can't be too sure if it was a hallucination or the real thing). This could certainly support Carlos being the red hood if it wasn't just a hallucination. I also feel like the whole blood in jars thing will somehow come into play. Like we might end up seeing someone with a suspicious amount of jars hidden somewhere or see them buying/carrying jars. 

Semi off topic

Another thing that doesn't sit right with me is Dr. Hernandez's murder. I don't know what it is but I feel like she isn't really dead and could also be the red hood. I feel like she could be alive because of ben seeing her figure at the top of W.H. after her death. That and the fact that I think in the first nightmare that we see on the plane, the red hood seems to possibly have a beak ike Dr. Hernandez, not sure if that is a clue or just a random detail.

Then there's the whole thing after the Russel situation. I have no idea of what to make of it unless it was supposed to be a metaphor for something. Possibly Ben or Chris pushing Russel off of a metaphorical cliff representing the sudden ending of their frienship.

ok, holy shit its almost been a year since my last comment, but here we go Again

Spoilers/theory's ahead for the recent build

Ok, so we got some new and juicy info to delve into for today, lets get into it. First off, Chris is not the rapist, although he is still a bit off, due to his admission to taking multiple pictures of what happened, next off, Carlos is a closeted gay and he needs at least some sort of support, lastly, ZACH IS MORE INVOLVED WITH THE RED HOOD THEN EVER, HE LITERALLY SHOWED UP RIGHT AFTER THE RED HOOD MURKED SOMEBODY, ALSO, BEN IS NOW SOMEHOW  ABLE TO JUST BECOME THE MURDERED LADY IN HIS DREAMS, I AM SO CONFUSED

You guys have some really awesome theories, with some good evidence too. I'd probably believe it if there wasn't one thing throwing me off - Chris' route goal. I'm questioning whether the devs would even consider allowing us to enter a romantic route with a potential rapist. It could be some shock plot twist like other vns having surprise psychotic boyfriends, but I'm very hesitant to say they will.

Wait. he has a route? i never even knew that.


Spoiler? Theory?

my friend at one point was talking about this infinite life theory ( something like that) where when you die you get warped to a different you from a another universe that was parallel to your original one. 

after the park ben has a scar on his back that wasn't there before that would be a fatly wound, so what if when he died in one universe he hoped to a new one and his dreams are true life but from the universe he left 

I hope I explained myself ok