I really want to like this, as I am interested in Japanese folklore and love the Fatal Frame series. However, I just have way too many issues.
I could never get a respectable framerate without dropping the settings to the very lowest, which of course kills the atmosphere. My computer is a couple years old, but I have run better looking stuff at 60FPS with no problem, so I don't know if it's an engine issue or if the game is poorly optimized.
The pacing is not very good. After 15 minutes of trying to figure out what to do, I had to watch a video to figure out where to find the coin, and then it took another ten minutes of wandering and opening random doors to find the library, and THEN another few minutes to find the brush. And of course, as I grab the brush, she says "Maybe it's on a higher shelf." Yes, it was.
And finally, I have to search for another random objective in the mansion while now there is a random ghost that is hard to avoid and seems to sense me from no matter where.
I like the concept a lot, so I'm going to keep an eye on this project, but right now I can't see myself playing it in the current state.