hello again, okay, soi really tried to resist asking again, and leave you be, but i cant. i know we talked about the big ghostie....and putting the $ in front,(which ive done to some degree, but no clue why it works or how to get my character that big) but what else did you label the file? like im guessing it'll be something like $ghost[ 4 4 4 4] ? How many frames are possible on the sprite sheet? trying to find out if i can use that same trick to make the player character that big...(also, tried that Pixel Maker Game MV program, a big step up in the complicated department, but in the long run, when i eventually figure it out, it'll be great.)
No problem man, I hope it's easy to understand. It was one of the first things I learned how to do before I started making games with rpg maker. I was worried about size restrictions, and there is little to no youtube videos on this. I keep telling myself I should start a youtube channel for rpg maker stuff. I'd love to do a playthrough channel and showcase all these great games people like you are making, and aren't getting the attention they deserve :). I've gotta youtube channel I made a few years back for me and my girlfriends band, but the only video that got popular was a sad space jam song I made as a joke lol, it's got like 41k views some how. Anyways I'm rambling on, Good luck man!