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I enjoyed the game but it was a little to simple and the enemies were very easy to deal with. There was no punishment for going back to heal at the fire fountains (forgot what they are called) so I feel that you should only be able to heal a little bit. The thing that I really liked about this game was the art style as it look really cool and different. I think this game could be cool if it was built on more with levels and enemy types with unique attack. Unreal is not the best for 2d so respect for trying to make this in unreal. 

Please check out my game if you get the chance, There is a gameplay video if you don't have time to play but I would be happier if you did :).


Thank you for your time and  targeted feedback its greatly appreciated  . Its  understandable to feel that the game was simple since it was a  1 person jam:). we can both agree agree with the having more enemy  types and that 2d unreal games can be like pulling teeth. and as for the life fountains they healed you slower.
once a free moment appears il have a look at your game :)