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(4 edits) (+1)


First, thanks for giving Deepdwn a try and thank you for the feedback.

Using {{ time }} in the title: frontmatter field really rustles Deepdwn’s jimmies.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. Can you provide examples of what you’re trying, exactly, what you expect to happen, and what occurs instead?

It sounds a bit like you’re trying to do something that the templates, and that placeholder field aren’t designed to do, which is probably a failing of the devlog update more than anything else.

It’s designed so that you may create a template like:

title: "{{ time:d MMM t}} call with"
 - calls
 - template

When you create a new file using this template, the new file’s content will be prefilled with something like:

title: 1 Nov 2:23 PM call with
 - calls

[edit] I do see a possible YAML parsing issue here. You’ll likely want to enclose the title in quotes as shown.

Add ctrl+click multi-selection between and within categories, tags, and directories for deeper filtration

This is a planned feature currently :)

Better keys for templates

These shortcuts will likely change, if for no other reason than that the displayed shortcut key in the native menu incorrectly display these as Ctrl+1 etc. which is misleading. I thought they were better than no shortcuts at all (for those users not using low% keyboards anyway). Ctrl+T+number is pretty awkward for typing. Possibly Ctrl+Shift+Num

nested lists apply inconsistent spacing beneath their elements

I believe you’re running in to a commonmark “feature” rather than a bug, known as “loose lists”, but I can’t say without seeing the markup that generated that list. My guess is it looks something like:

* Testing
  * testing
  * testing
    * testing
      * testing
    * testing
  * testing
* testing

Which will produce the output you’re seeing for the top level list. You’ll also notice that any subsequent top-level bullets in that list also receive the increased spacing, as the top level of the list is marked as loose.

If that’s not the case, please create a support request for it that includes the markup you’re using.