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Hi, I don't know why but when I try to install the full version it's always download the Demo version instead, I made sure I clicked the right download version so I don't understand why x3

That is strange. When you open it and go to the preferences Menu -> Help -> About, what version does it say?

when I open the game it says it's the demo version and here is a screenshot of the download options when I click on the Download Full game button on app

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I see there's a drop down arrow there at install - can you see if there are any other options besides the demo? I'm not sure why, but it does show up if you click the gear/settings instead of instal 

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Oh wait - I think it's fixed now. Just took a while to show up for some reason.

Yes it's showing now! thank you, I can't wait to play it! :D

Are you using the Itch app? Because I have (and had) the same problem, and it usually works if you go to the website directly. 

Yes I'm using the app, I tried downloading it on chrome after and I was able to download it there :)