I'm getting way too stressed trying to delete it
Alright, first, you need to enable Linux under "Developers," wait for that to finish installing, and once it's done, there will be a "Linux" folder under "My Files," extract the game into there, preferably into another folder called "games" or something similar for this guide. Next, open the terminal app, and if you put the game into a folder run "chmod 777 -R [foldername]", then, in order to start the game you need to go to the games folder using the cd command, for me the command would be "cd games/liarliar1.0-all", replace "games" with your folder's name. Once you're in this directory run "./liar\ liar.sh" and there you have it. please don't use the commas around the command in the command, they won't work if you do. I hope this helps!