Andddd out came Fox!
"Well it was nice seeing you bud, see you sometime later!"
The thing on his back got off, wagged it's bod around...anddd ran off-, fox then turned around, looked at Ali
"...Erm, whaaaat the hell happened here-?"
“t t that t tongue t t thing c c came back…”
"Oh!...Wait, then what's with the erm...puddle-?"
“I it wasn’t t that f f friendly….”
He coughed
"...Oh...Did...Did it do something to you while I was away-?"
He sat down next to him, gently stroking his chest-
“d damn near f f fucked me to death…”
"...Tch, great...I'm leaving you with my blaster from now on then."
“n no no…”
"Nope...there's no room for denying."
You can do a time skip if you'd like, anddd if ya do, theeeen make it so it's like now, their seperateddd, fox is getting dataaa, and Ali is doing what ali does =w=
Ali was again just listening to music, still panting from the tongue plant